Popular common name:
Wheel milkweed
Botanical Nomenclature:
Asclepias uncialis
Asclepias uncialis is a diminutive milkweed occurring in small colonies scattered along the eastern edge of the
southern Rocky Mountains. Occurrences are distributed in a westward trending arc from northeastern Colorado to
southeastern Arizona. Twenty extant occurrences within USDA Forest Service (USFS) Region 2 include one from the
Pawnee National Grassland and two from the Comanche National Grassland. Additional occurrences within Region
2 are known from Bureau of Land Management, Department of Defense, State of Colorado, and private lands. Ten
extant occurrences outside Region 2 are known from New Mexico, the Oklahoma panhandle, and Arizona. Decker, K. (2006, April 24). Asclepias uncialis Greene (wheel milkweed): a technical conservation assessment.
[Online]. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Region. Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/r2/projects/scp/
assessments/asclepiasuncialis.pdf [2024, October 25].
Unique Attributes of
Asclepias uncialis
1 Flower Color
Pink and White
2 Plant Height
<1 foot
3 USDA Zones
4 Bloom Timing
March, April, May

5 Light Preference
Full Sun
6 Soil Moisture
7 Soil Substraite
Sandstone derived from limestone or fine textured soil with fine rick chips. Not rocky soils. Level.
8 Ecoregion I/II
9 Soil Moisture
10 Difficulty Rank
🔴 Challenging
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2025 Monarch Butterfly Garden 12-Month Planner
Written and illustrated by Risa Basile — Binx and Garfield Fine Art Studio Los Angeles
Your butterfly garden will be a success with this nifty little book! It is so much more than just a planner. It includes a valuable resource for anyone who is a monarch butterfly enthusiast, if you care about helping, and if you raise them.
Perfect for Christmas gift for all pollinator lovers!
70+ pages
9 3/4 inches x 7 1/2 inches
•Monthly calendar pages from January 2025 - December 2025 with celestial events.
•Illustrated “Jarmination” milkweed seed germination manual pages [by GrowMillweedPlants.com]
•Monthly fun-facts and activities after each month’s calendar pages
•Seasonal CritterLog™︎ to keep up with your creature counts, year-end summary page, and create-your-own-graphs
•100+ Successfull Butterfly Count chart
•My Bloom Period spreadsheet to keep track on your pollinator plants in your garden
and more fun features!!!
Released on November 26th, 2024.For more products from this artist, visit our website MonarchArtMart.com